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EF Remote Work & Study
EF Remote Work & Study

EF Remote Work & Study

Work remotely while you complete your language studies.
20 Lessons / week
(40 minutes each lesson)

16 General Language Lessons

02 Project Sessions

02 Lecture Sessions

  • Level:
    Beginner to Advanced
  • Start Date:
    Every 6 weeks
  • Length:
    4 to 12 weeks
  • Online pre-course:
    From enrollment

Study on your terms as you continue your job remotely from your chosen destination. Specially designed with the busy professional in mind, you can continue your job remotely and take your language classes in morning or evening blocks, depending on what suits your schedule.

Our campuses are equipped with designated co-working spaces, ideally suited to remote work. You'll also get the opportunity to mingle and network with other like-minded professionals from around the world.

Available in:
Fall, winter and spring: London, Manchester, Malta St. Julian's and Malaga.

EF Learning Guarantee
EF's Leergarantie
Je gaat elke zes weken* een cursusniveau omhoog als je alle lessen bijwoont en alle oefeningen maakt, en je kan sneller vooruit gaan, afhankelijk van je voortgang. Onze methode garandeert dat je maximale vooruitgang boekt - anders studeer je gratis totdat het je lukt. *Dit kan variëren voor andere talen dan Engels